How Can a Stairlift help following a stroke?

If a loved one has recently suffered a stroke, you may be wondering what types of rehabilitation and lifestyle changes are necessary to improve their quality of life.  One change that may be beneficial is the installation of a stairlift. A stairlift can help those affected by a stroke regain independence and mobility, and make […]

9 Tips to Help the Elderly during winter months

Tips to help the elderly in winter As energy prices continue to rise, a lot of elderly people struggle to heat their homes properly during the cold winter months. When added to the fact that a lot of elderly people aren’t as mobile as they used to be, this means they are often unable to […]

What to do if your Loved One is Struggling

Watching someone you love slowly lose their independence and energy can be upsetting. Many families also have their own lives, careers and children to take care of, so it can be difficult to be there for everyone 24/7.  However, it’s important that you know how to react to a family member who may be struggling […]

Staying Safe in Your Home

In your elderly years, it’s very common to lose your ability to keep yourself safe and stable. Suffering from mobility issues, memory loss and just general aches and pains can pose a threat to your home and social life. With these issues can come a number of risks, like falls, fractures and other minor accidents […]

Can a Stairlift help if you live with Dementia?

If a loved one is living with dementia, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to help make their life easier. One option that may be worth considering is investing in a stairlift. A stairlift can help your loved one maintain their independence and remain living in their own home for […]

Can stairlifts help with motor neurone disease?

  It’s still the case that when people think of stairlifts, they think of the elderly. Yet we’ve long been supplying stairlifts across the North of England to people who prove that’s very far from the complete picture. Motor Neurone Disease is a cruel and curious condition. One of the (many) problems associated with it […]

Will installing a stairlift damage my decor?

  Will you cause any damage installing a stairlift? It’s one of the things we’re asked most often when people are considering having a new stairlift installed. And you’ll be surprised by the answer… “You won’t damage my wall, will you?” We get asked that, probably once a week. And our answer is always ‘no’, […]

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